Friday, May 20, 2011

Are you escaping from NOW?

It is so easy to get caught in the mundane things of life. Routine is so stable, so comforting. If only we could break out of the shackles of this stability will we find the excitement of the unknown. One can predict what will happen next. Our life is a series of events aligned one after the other strictly following the pattern of everyday routine.

Everything is planned. Salary gets credited. Immediately some of it is planned to be saved. For future. We kill the excitement of tomorrow by planning it today. 

Let go a little.. spend an unplanned day. Breathe deeply and soak in your surroundings.. 
Do not have an agenda for today. Just be.. The magic of living is in the Now.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

U wouldn't know...

You yawn, open your eyes when the sun light falls on your face,
You stub your toe, wince and drag yourself from bed,
You stare at yourself in the mirror, rub sleep off your eyes,
You boil the eggs, heat milk, the tape is playing your favourite song.

You rush about, eyes dart from left to right, you sprint across the road,
A smile on your lips, the day has just begun.
The tray is filling up, three cups of coffee and the day gets harder,
Work is just an extension of you, I see that you see this.

A wave of a hand, a nod and a shrug,
You skip and sprint, works done for the day, you head towards the store.
A beer, a smoke, you need peace. 
I wanna ask you if you care for some company?

No is not an answer,refusal not an option.
Is it better you being a part of my life without being in it?
Would it matter if I existed, stayed close, kept you warm?
Would it be nice to hear you speak, know what goes on in your head?

Do you know, I know what you're thinking? U wouldn't know.
Do you realise, I'm thinking of you? U wouldn't know.