Monday, October 22, 2012


There a million ways to plan and strategize about what we want and how we are going to get it, but what actually happens is far beyond anyone’s control. It is a subtle but relentless mechanism called nature and life is all about going with it. Lesser the struggle, more the gains. When I say gains, do not picture wealth. What you gain here is peace of mind. Peace is gained when you do not anticipate, expect or wish. It is a state where everything is as it should be. Why not then treat this life like a game we get to play. Give your best throws and wait for the breeze to do the rest. No matter where you land, its beautiful and worth experiencing. Let go of set patterns and ideas about a perfect life. Life is perfect. It is just not what you expected.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

If not now, when?

Friends are the biggest blessing any human being can have. The laugh and cry with you. Stories are shared and sorrows halved. They are there when you feel scared, they are there to celebrate your success. It takes years to make a good friend and sometimes just a couple seconds to destroy a friendship.

There will be times when things will be hard and friends will be scarce. Change is the only constant around. Friendswill move away, their lifes will change, time wont be on your side and it will get difficult to keep in touch even. During such times remember that there is no point in experiencing something or doing something if you cannot share it with some one. In the world of emails and chats, independence and self-sufficiency, freedom and power, being in the arms of your loved one still scores high. Very high.

Make time today and connect with your loved ones. as time passess faster then we realise it might just be too late to demonstrate how much you care.  Wishing everyone a very Happy Friendship day.. today and everyday!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

"I love you" because it is convenient!

It is tough to talk about relationships.. Most of us are scared of it at some point. But we may want it badly too at times. May be it is not about wanting a relationship or wanting to find love. It is the want of a successful relationship, a love that is cherished and most importantly returned. Success is important to us.. in everything :)

Modern day attitude towards love is all about ‘the right fit’ and less about ‘let’s figure it out together’. Not surprising that most relationships that exist are based out of convenience. “I want to settle closer to town because that means less travel to work”. “This guy may be right for me NOW.” Fewer people are thinking about ‘always’ and leaning more towards ‘now’. Has love become a momentary thing? Are people are able to digest the idea of happy forever?

The number of people opting to ''just lets see how this goes for the time being'' has increased. Fewer people are settling down.. settling down much later in life. I do not think that is a bad thing. It is very important to know what you want and when you want. What i do not approve of is people refusing to grow up and own up to their decisions. You can't forever not made up your mind yet. Neither is wanting to be with someone purely based on ''how convenient is this as of now''.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Don't add DAYS to life, add LIFE to days.. Stay Happy!

What if today was your last day? Would you confess your love for a person? Would you do all the things you always wanted to do? How about a To - Do list? Seems like a good idea to me!

Why do we postpone things for tomorrow when we do not actually know if tomorrow is going to come? We fight, struggle, complain and crib over things.. We devise ways to get better than the rest and resent other's success. We get greedy.. starve one-self to achieve a perfect figure. You are NOT as fat as you think!

How many perfect days do we actually have? When were you truly happy? How many of those days do you remember? Questions and more questions.. and while I busy myself answering myself, how about you answering these to yourself before its too late :)

Go and live your life.. You get it only once. Add life to your days today and watch your life turn extraordinary..