Saturday, February 13, 2010

What lies ahead...

Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery. I can alter today to my benefit to have a happy history. I can plan tomorrow and solve part of the mystery. But plans don’t always materialise! History is not always pleasant either! But wtf! I am happy I tried.

To try is not to fail but to achieve to some extent. Goals cannot always be well defined. It kills the excitement of tomorrow... But like many, I want to have the cake and eat it too! :)

Get your hands dirty or you are never going to know what you are good at and what you suck at! ;)

To be bad at something is not wrong. To not know what you are good at is a waste of a life. Thinking is hard work... especially to the ones who are not used to it... The more I run away from thought the more rusted my mind gets... Its only when water flows continuously that the path is free of blocks... A freeway can get you speed but one needs to control the direction...

Driving one’s life to a destination is not the goal. To find a beautiful way throughout the journey to the destination is.


  1. why art thou soul perenially in a confused state !
    Agree to all what yu mentioned above ~ however, don't think its worth wasting time on trying to find out the right path !
    Believe me, the path will come to oneself at the right time ~ one will automatically feel the urge to tread the other path when right time comes !
    Problem with the normal rational human mind is that it seeks to know what is right ~ without knowing that the right will happen at the apt time !
    What is 'right' is a very subjective term ! 'Right' is dependent on time. What is right now, need not be right later ! So, Right to you will always happen when its meant to, not when u want it to happen !
    btw, how do u define 'Right'??
    That is another of the great unsolved questions of the human mind !

    Having said all this, what yu say also holds true! Thats how a normal , rational human mind thinks :) And thats why humans are humans.
    If you got the answers to all what u were seeking, then whats the charm of life !

    com'on - everyone likes surprises, ain't it?
    well, thats how it happens, whats the charm if u can know what the future holds!

  2. hey! thats a very interesting take on the topic.. i dont attempt to contest what is right or wrong or when things are destined to happen.. I only want to live my life the fullest and hence want to enjoy the process of it! :)

  3. how do you define 'living to the fullest'?
    what you now think is 'living to the fullest' need not remain the same as time passes ! Its subjective and based on a variety of factors.

    Which means, if you are too desperate to try and achieve 'living to the fullest', you still have 2 problems ! Firstly - defining it itself is a challenge. Secondly - even if u still manage to define it, its very likely that the definition will change over a period of time !
    Which means, you will perennially be worried about trying to find out what exactly is 'living to the fullest' for you!

    Its good to spend time alone and think. But too much of it is bad as well :)
