Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nightmares about nonsense!

Me: "Hey! It's been long!"
That irritating voice in my head: "What?"

Me: "I haven't posted anything on my blog!"
That irritating voice in my head:  "Thats ok! (sounds bored) who reads your blog anyway?"

Me: Don't be rude. "You know I like writing to an imaginary audience :)"
That irritating voice in my head: "Well! Nice way to avoid disappointment :P"

Me: "It's not that people are not interested in reading my thoughts..."
That irritating voice in my head: "It's about the fact that are your thoughts good enough to be read!?"

Me: (thinking...)
That irritating voice in my head:  "Hey! That's my job! You go write your rubbish.. You are at your best when you write nonsense!"